STRESS - The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living shit out of some asshole who desperately deserves it.
Hahahhaha. My couz bought that cup. I found it so amusing. Hahahahaha
Hahaha. Just posted those for fun. I am soooo pumped. I'm gonna be using these tomorrow. I hurried and got a game with Danil, Dian and Gavin. I wanna pump that driver. Although, I;m not to sure how good it'll be for me. Hahahha. But I guess it's gonna be alright. Kevin did me good and I'm really greatful that I have met a friend like him. Thanks for the oppotunity Kevin. Lets golf. Hahahha
Signing out,
The new face of Wilson Staff
Ashraf TRIED to play POLO with his golf club!
Free drop, Chaos, and a fart to finish it all up :)
Chipping Challenge from nowhere. Jerry won :)
Putt for birdie, liking sex, and goooooo SUPERMAN!
Jerry topped it on, Ashy goes ape shit!
Welcome Jerry. Let's goooo!
Ashraf misses and hits a mulligan -.- then stupidity
Just me and Ashraf doing shit :) and videowhoring
Waiting for fucking slow uncles, so we do shit :)
Just a lil' high on doing shit
So okay guys. ahahahha. I apologize for me retarded camera skills. Hahaha. Just had a whole loaad of fun today :) It was funny. Plus I won lunch. Hehehe. But i lost a drink. Hahahaha! Tomorrow is school so I had better go off!
Signing out,
Or maybe three :)
Yeah those are my new Oakley Radar's :) There are more shiney in real life :) lol
So yeah, Tomorrow I'm going back to Ipoh to visit granny. Will take more photos then. I am going for dinner now. Ciaooo
Signing out,