Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another shortie....

Today I got up at around 11? Haihz SOOO LAZY! Hmmm so I forced myself outta bed so i could go bathe, and found my parents left already. As expected. Hahaha. So just bummed around for about, 1 and a half hour. Then grabbed some lunch and went back to bumming around.

At about two-ish, got a phone call from Daryl.

Hey. Where are you?
Sup. At home. Why?
What the fuck are you doing at home? Get yor ass to KGNS. Paul San says he's gonna kick your ass
Really ah? Okay okay. I'll be going there now....

So then I went to KGNS and played 18 holes. Played 6-es and lost one match :( Tied the other two. Daryl too "pro" for me to handle. Hahahah Then Paul, Daryl and Kean Meng went for DINNER. Went to Ming Tien. Just stoned and ate then got home. Got a ride from Kean Meng.

All together it wasnt very eventful, but playing with those couple of guys was fun. Would do it again. Paul don't cheat ah. Hahahhaha.

p.s. Kevin!!!! Can I PLEEAAASSEEEEE have my standbag? :)

Signing out,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Another short post. I hope

Weel, as you know I have not posted something on this blog for a long time. I just havent had the time and I dont know what to post about. Lifes boring. So no exciting things happening lately. Except for one. But other than that its just been a boring holiday so far. I play golf yesterday. and the day before, and the day BEFORE that. Wow. Im seriously bored.

Anyway. So I found out I was cutting across on my swing but I was playing really well. So i got bored of trying to make it right. Hahahahha. so here's my swing. Its aint the best but I guess its kinda alright. ahhahaha

My swing from the front :)

So yeah. I have been playing okay with that swing but I do need to change it a little Hahahhaha okay so as you know already I've been really bored. So I started doing shit at the range while practicing. Hehehehe here's something I have almost perfected :)

Heheheh doing shit at the 10th hole

So yeah. Thats something I have learnt to do. I guess after watching Jean all the time I have gotten a little inspiration. But its not that hard to do actually. Hahahaha. So yeah. Golfs been boring. :) I'm just gonna play along :)

Signing out,